The James Recovery Journey

A Journey of Faith, Transformation, and Recovery with James as Your Guide.

About Us

We are the “The James Recovery Journey”  Led by Wade H. (Wade H. Recovery Net – Tidbits of Practical Wisdom From 12 Step Recovery (; this site was created to address the faith walk of a person in recovery directly.

James: The Best Book of the Bible for Recovery? 

We believe the Book of James from the Bible is one of the best resources for starting a faith-based recovery journey, if not the best.  It is clear and also not terribly long for you to drudge through.  It is a straightforward, five-chapter book that describes the journey of a person of faith and the lifestyle of a person of faith regarding actions to take and not to accept and simple mindsets to have.

The journey to recovery is long, and there may be many aspects to each person’s recovery journey.  We are not advocating for these five chapters as a magic silver bullet to cure all things.  There are varying degrees of mental health, social, physical, and even deeper spiritual issues in all of us that struggle with various addictions and recovery. 

There are usually several components to each person’s recovery that often require interventions from medical professionals, mental health professionals, and clergy/spiritual advisors.  The tool of this book of the Bible and this website are to be powerful spiritual tools in your recovery toolbox.

There are miraculous recoveries once in a great while where someone stops by faith or a profound desire to stop.  The miracles are lovely, and I wish there were a way to say this could be everyone. 

The truth is that God simply does not work that way for most in alcoholism and addiction. 

Willpower, as recovery, is tricky because if you are looking at recovery, you have probably, on some level, demonstrated a severe inability (at least at times) to control your willpower for it to get this far, and it is a seriously shaky foundation for recovery.

Faith starts with belief, but true faith is a journey not an event!

Faith is crucial to recovery, but faith is a journey, not an event!  Faith as a journey starts with belief, but that belief has to lead to actions, which must become a lifestyle.  The first book written in the New Testament, The Book of James, is an excellent guide to this journey.